If you want a fine tuning of art and structures, the use of marbles, copper and terracotta, detailed statues and a great city full of buildings for competition and temples for gods, then this part of the history of architecture is worth a look at. The “Greek” architecture is just about what has been said earlier, or so, even better. The architecture of their time was fine, elegant and detail to look at, so as the pictures have shown us or the remake and design of what it used to look like. Most of the structures built in this time didn’t last up to our present time. Most of already fell to ruins, not because of attacks, but because of the time and longevity of its existence. However, there are still the statues and artifacts that show us the beauty of their culture and the way of their living. Just like the people who like to read about Greeks, I too am a great fan of the Greek mythology. The gods and the stories behind each of them, it really is fantastic and exciting to know about. Maybe that’s why I took a liking to this particular part of the history of architecture. Foremost, I like the styles of the pillars used by the Greeks. If you can see most of their buildings and structures would be place with this pillars as support for the roof or just a pathway inside the building. It is like very Greek like whenever I see pillars and buildings built in harmony. Of course, I liked the idea of the styles they used to it. There is the doric, ionic and corinthian styles for each. The doric seemed to be too plain while the corinthian seemed to be too elegant and full of design. That’s why I liked the ionic best among the three, not too simple nor extravagant too look at. Just simply Greek architecture defined. The temples are also great and artistic to look at, I wanted to know more about it because I also want to incorporate and know if the design has relevance to the gods themselves or the stories behind each one of them. Another thing that caught my attention was the marble they used for the statues and art. It is a very ingenious idea that one can see the fine details when they used it. Overall, there are a lot of famous buildings and architectural design that the Greek have shown, it is too bad that in our present time we cannot see them anymore at their finest. But still, all of it, its magnificent. It worth the time and effort to look into.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Egyptian Architecture - HSTARC1
Now we have discussed one of the more exciting parts of the history of architecture, the “Egyptian” architecture and structures. This featured the great civilization of Egypt, the culture, art and structures they made in their time. I mean, really, Egyptians were one of the most famous civilizations in the history of the world. They built simple yet artistic structures. If we look at where Egypt is, it is located near the Nile River, and as for the area itself, a lot of different kinds of stones are abundant for their use in building their structures but is located on the desert area. What’s interesting about the structures and buildings built by the Egyptians are, it is quite bound to their religion. Therefore, there is always a shroud of mystery surrounding it. The meaning behind each art, drawing, carving, statue and buildings would always bring me back to it. It’s more like you want to know how they signified a certain art to something to their religion or to their leader, the pharaoh. Well, as we can see for the structures, it appears bulky and hard. It’s because of stones they use, which most of the time are massive. However, it is not really that bad looking or that plain since the way they align it and place it is also effective looking. Moreover, the art or carving they do brings beauty and again mystery to it. Their art and carvings usually are of their gods or how the gods affect and influence the people through their pharaoh. They also show the simple living of the Egyptians and their works. The hieroglyphs which probably served as their language and communication are also a notable Egyptian mark for an art. It’s the way they said to have expanded and developed the hieroglyphs to further the potential in their language. But then again, we still have yet to discover the full meanings of it which makes me more interested to read , see and explore about it. If there is one structure I can really associate with Egypt, no doubt it would be “The Pyramids”. These massive stone built structure is not only a site to see or just a land mark, it is a wonder. The pyramid for me brings an image of richness, glory, power but most of all respect. Respect for the dead, for their pharaoh and for their gods. And for that I have my utmost respect for the civilization of Egypt and all of their simple mysterious but great structures.
Monday, October 11, 2010
West Asiatic Architecture - HSTARC1
Moving on to the next part of the history of architecture, we now have the “West Asiatic” architecture and structures. Tigris, Euphrates, Fertile Crescent, Mesopotamia and Garden of Eden, these are just some of the keywords you might hear when we talk about the West Asiatic architecture. If we take a look of the location of the architectures of this part of history, we will see that the structures are located between the Tigris and Euphrates. Thus, the land here is pretty much abundant of resources because of the irrigation which gave it the name “Fertile Crescent”. Mainly, the Babylonians, Assyrians, Persians and, later on, the Jews are the people who added context and made those structures. The structures made in Mesopotamia are quite interesting and you can clearly see the knowledge and artistic ideas of the people. It showed power, greatness and riches for the kingdoms inhabiting this land. The creativity and resourcefulness is also a key factor that made it possible for the people to build their homes. They have limited rocks and no lumber to build their structures because of their location. However, they are near the rivers and by being resourceful, they made materials such as the “mud bricks”. It was used as a replacement for building. More to this, this era is also quite chaotic in way, which I think is quite exciting in a way. There were kingdoms fighting over the land, so the structures were built in a limited time. But that didn’t stop them from making notable figures and structures which amazed me.

There are really a lot more palace, tomb, temples, art and carvings here which signified and made a mark for this time. I enjoyed reading about them and I noticed that all of them were made to be big. Yes, as to be large and for everybody to see. Maybe that’s what they are trying to portray to us. Now, I can say that the people here were proud, proud of their kingdom as they should be, and thus it was projected not only to the sizes of the structures but also to the kingly design that comes along them.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
The POD : sketches, scribbles and some more ideas - ADESPRN
I have my ideas and thoughts on the general concept of making the pod, however having those ideas and putting them to drawing and sketches are two different things. We still have to know and anticipate the applicability of the design and the factors we need to look into. Its getting much complicated if I think about it now already. So for now, let just see the flow of ideas and what I think can be a design and structure for what the pod can be.
I scribbled, drew lines and sketched so that the I can have a view of what my ideas are at the moment.
Somehow if you look at the shape of the space, its a cube technically speaking. Now I tried to customize the inside of that space to be a pod with the things needed. My idea is that of a room where there is a desk, a bed and place to put things and watch some TV I guess? Unfortunately, there is a lack of space which will sacrifice comfort for the user. I then thought of the things I saw earlier which made use of furniture and objects that can be of dual purpose. If you can see or understand my messy sketch, I put a desk which transforms into a bed depending on the the current action of the user inside. As an alternative, there is also a couch which can be a double deck bed, if in case there's a need for two. I also included a TV which is flat screen so that space is not consumed. Anyway, those are just raw ideas for now.
Moving on, I found the cube spaced pod to be quite bit boring to look at and inspired by the futuristic looking pods which I put in my earlier blog, I made an idea and figure of a circular looking pod. The main concept of the pod is that it is circular in shape but can be detached or opened at specific parts. The hatch can be opened to become a chair or couch like form. Inside the pod is a bed-like surface where the user will put their head. Left and right can be of speakers or table to eat or work on. The top part of the pod can have a screen for viewing or the likes. Another idea is that there is a pod shaped as that of a dome where the inside's floor is made of comfortable pads and pillows, the sides have retractable desk for the user's works.
As I have said earlier, these are still raw and incomplete for now. I'm hoping to find and come across inspirations and designs in the next few days so I can come up with better ideas and sketches for the pod.
The POD : a start, what ideas came to mind - ADESPRN
A pod, when I heard of this I immediately thought of a small living quarter that can be portable and easy to use for a particular person. Can be an apartment or a room with a convenient set of accessible, easy to use and safe efficient things.
nah, I'm just kidding. Though that maybe a good definition in a class discussion. haha
You know, I cannot really confine myself to that thought. A lot of ideas was circling my head while I was thinking of the term pod and doing this blog entry. As funny as it sounds, the wacky ideas might be of good use. Somehow I found a way to connect those ideas to form my model and own ideas.
Lets start of from the I POD -- How can you not think of IPODs when you hear the word "pod". Aside from the name itself.. Yeah, it seems everywhere i go everybody has it so I think that the reason why I thought of it. Anyway, I think the main concept of the iPOD is that its a pod that stores your favorite and own music. And from that music, a person's personality is defined and recognized. So I took note of that for my idea on the pod. Something portable, customizable and simply shelters "you".
If you recognize the picture, then I give you a big yes! That is METAPOD! haha. I simply thought of Metapod because, again, of the "pod" in its name. However, I gave a deeper analysis on this. And to my surprise, I remembered that Metapod evolves to Butterfree. haha. How is that even related? Well let me leave Metapod and Butterfree there for now, lets focus on the real thing they are based from. I guess you have an idea naman what they are. When a caterpillar changes form to a butterfly, they form a "pod" like structure on which they grow to. In relation to the pod I'm trying to design, I can take note of the idea that "pods" are supposed to be a place where we are comfortable to grow with or to grow into.
And of course, I did think of the peas in the pod. The picture gives you already of the idea I have for it. Peas, people, happy, inside a pod. Now it brought me to think of the idea about circular pods.
If you watched Dragonball Z, then youll probably recognize this. It is the Saiyan Pod on which the Saiyan's mount so they can travel from their planet to other planets. They remain sleeping inside the comfort of this pod until they land on their destination. Neat! haha. But enough of the background. What I am really trying to say is that this pod attracts me. The idea it brings, its modern and it lingers to me. I guess this is what i thought a pod might look like. So I took note of the design and maybe i can apply it on my own.
I can only laugh and enjoy when I try to analyze how I came to these ideas. We sure have a lot of things we can think about now. haha.
I had fun thinking and linking these ideas to the topic about the pod I'm making. I hope I can have the same attitude towards making the real thing.
Friday, October 8, 2010
R.ead I.nterpret P.retend (RIP OFF) - ADESPRN
Philosophy: Time is of the essence
Concept: The Doma of Time
Design Concept: The structure and figures of domes and hemispheres
Design Concept: The structure and figures of domes and hemispheres
Working Concept: Development ~ cycle and change, improvement through time
Burj Al Arab
Philosophy: Ride the tide
Concept: Our symbol, our identity
Design Concept: Built in shape that mimics the sails of ships
Design Concept: Built in shape that mimics the sails of ships
Working Concept: Leisure ~ enjoyment, comfortability and relaxation
Crystal Cathedral
Philosophy: Let faith be reflected
Concept: Spreading the light of the Lord via the glass and mirrors
Design Concept: Cathedral based structure
Working Concept: Reflective ~ insights of faith and religion
Friday, October 1, 2010
Prehistoric Architecture - HSTARC1
I found the topic about prehistoric architecture quite interesting. Although information about prehistoric architecture, their exact dates and the real reasons for their making, are not really accurate, I still am fascinated by it. In my opinion, prehistoric architecture has a shroud of mystery covering it which makes it more interesting.
Let us start off with the background of prehistoric architecture. Whenever I hear of prehistoric, I would always think of men living in caves or trees and huts. And I found out that I was right and it was all well connected to the history of architecture. I liked the idea that even though man still had less knowledge, their instincts are well developed. These instincts made them find their homes naturally and thus somewhere, somehow architecture began. The development of the structures made by man was quite interesting since you can see the development from different ages, from the Old Stone Age to the Neolithic age. How it started off from caves, tents and huts which later became basis in making more advanced structures.
As for other structures which is part of the prehistoric architecture age, the monoliths, dolmens, trilithon and cromlech is a sight to see. The monoliths which is also called “menhirs” gave me a long lasting expression, it was an eye catcher. These rock which stood high was mysterious and along with the faces engraved on them, it gives you a lot to think about why and how they were really made. Another thing that caught my attention was the Petroglyphs. Even at such an early age, there are already these arts which talked about the life of the people. It showed their art, creativity and way of thinking which helped develop through time. The tumuli gave the background that it was being used for spiritual practices. It is good to see and analyze that these could have been a blue print or basis for the great wonders we see in Egypt, the pyramids. And of course, how could I forget “The Stonehenge”. This for me is the symbol of prehistoric architecture. From the looks its self, how it was made and why it was made, I would always want to read more about it. No doubt, it’s a beautiful work of art and architecture. For me, I think prehistoric architecture might not be the best way to analyze architecture we have now but it’s a start we should ignore. Besides, it sure is interesting.
Let us start off with the background of prehistoric architecture. Whenever I hear of prehistoric, I would always think of men living in caves or trees and huts. And I found out that I was right and it was all well connected to the history of architecture. I liked the idea that even though man still had less knowledge, their instincts are well developed. These instincts made them find their homes naturally and thus somewhere, somehow architecture began. The development of the structures made by man was quite interesting since you can see the development from different ages, from the Old Stone Age to the Neolithic age. How it started off from caves, tents and huts which later became basis in making more advanced structures.

Three Architects - ADESPRN
Given the task of choosing and researching about three architectures that I can emulate, at first I was at a loss. Why? It is because there were a lot of famous architectures that I have already heard of and choosing among them is quite a challenge. However, I made a little more reading and tried to find out which architecture would attract me the most in terms of his method, style and personality.
- First of the three architects that I found to be appealing is Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. He is a German-American architect who was said to be one of the pioneering masters of modern architecture. I particularly admire him because of the simplicity of his works which I believe brings out the real essence of the work. I like to see the space and somewhat there is freedom to it whenever look at his works. His saying that “less is more” gave a long lasting expression to me. Its meaning had a lingering effect on me which is quite fascinating.

- The next architect among the three I chose is a French architect named Jean Nouvel. This architect did a lot of notable projects already and is very talented. I particularly like his approach in the field of architecture. He always employs the attitude of having a pursuit for new ideas and to make an effort to stretch the boundaries of architecture. As for the style he uses in his work, I also like how he uses the lights and shadows to bring out the essence in his work. The color and transparency as part of the importance in the design he makes impresses me.

- And last of the three is an Austrian architect named Adolf Loos. Although if you take a look in the life this architect had, you will find it quite unruly, I still took a liking to the way he did his work and especially the ideas he had and left behind. Adolf was an architect who became more famous for his ideas than his actual work or buildings. He believes that reason should determine the way we build and he opposed the decorative art in the building. In short, he also had the idea to express simplicity.

Overall, I think as an architect these people took my attention because of two things, I liked their ideas and the simplicity they have in order to bring out the reality of their works. And in years to come, I would like to follow this people. I can make a mark for my self upon doing my job in this field, to be simple yet fascinating and attractive at the same time. That would be quite something.
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