Friday, April 22, 2011

Le Corbusier - HSTARC2

Charles-Edouard Jeanneret is the name, call me Le Corbusier, the pioneer of modern architecture and international style. 

Charles-Edouard Jeanneret
             Le Corbusier is a Swiss architect, designer, urbanist, writer, painter and even a converted French citizen. As you can see, he also is knowledgeable in many fields and it takes talent and skill to do that. 

            The roots of the name he decided to use had its own meaning. Derived from the altered name of his grandfather, he decided to use it and in the belief that anyone could reinvent themselves. It is often translated to the meaning “the-raven-like-one” which is quite bad in the term, however he still decided to keep it. Another meaning would be in French which means “to bend”.

            The earlier part of his career, he tackled and made works related to nature, but in the long run his ideas matured. He absorbed the culture and artistic life of the city as a primary concept and idea that his project would later translate to. In 1922, his ideas began to take form when the houses he made as "a machine for living in". It also incorporated his trademark five points of architecture.

Urban City Planning
            Le Corbusier did not really become that famous in terms of international competition. But looking through the designs of and schemes of his town planning and urban idea, I still say he was good in this aspect.

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