Friday, April 22, 2011

Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe - HSTARC2

To detail with precision and only a handful but not to detail in décor and ornament. 

Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe

            Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe who is often just reffered to as Mies is a German decent architect. He was also one of the pioneering masters of the Modern architecture. He wanted to make something that would represent modern times just as other styles did in their era. He found this in the styles he later on made and performed and I guess perfected.

            The style that Mies did was leaned toward the simplicity and clarity of the structure. He was fond of the use of metals as support and glass to show the transparency but elegance of the structure. It defined the interiors of the building. He called his buildings “skin and bones” which I think is a full definition of what he did. What is essential is there and what not it would be removed, such as skin and bones are only needed.

The Farnsworth House
Mies was famous for two phrases that still up until now give a striking impact to me.
  • “Less is more”
I see this as a translation building of a neutral space with the honesty and integrity intertwined into one. What is essential is there and what is there is needed, you could not ask for more.

  • “God is in the detail”
            For me it means that details need not to be many to be beautiful. A handful of perfected detail is all that matters, in fact it is more beautiful when precise and mastered.

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